Members have access to all of the available information distributed by XBRL International but also the possibility of participating in international working groups with experts and benefiting from their knowledge and experience. Participation in XBRL International is via local jurisdictions, such as XBRL Belgium.
- access to privileged information and to working documents,
- access to technical discussions via forums (yahoo groups),
- access to the network of potential users, developers
- keeping informed of possible XBRL applications planned in companies, by regulators or authorities, etc.
- participation in the development of taxonomies,
- participation in the promotion of the jurisdiction,
- possibility of influencing the activities of XBRL Belgium,
- possibility of influencing the priorities and the agenda of XBRL Belgium.
International representation
- participating in work carried out at international level,
- defending Belgian interests in international developments,
- benefiting from the support of XBRL International.
These advantages may only be exploited in full in an organisation where all of these activities are structured and very carefully coordinated. Although XBRL International is a non-profit institution, and in spite of the fact that the work carried out by its members is voluntary, it must have sufficient financial resources to achieve its objectives. This is the reason why, like other organisations which develop and manage standards, it has entrusted national jurisdictions with collecting a financial contribution from their members.
List of members
List of the members of XBRL Belgium
Academic and honorary members
Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix (FUNDP) |
Universiteit Gent |
Chambre Belge des Comptables, Expert-Comptables et Conseils Fiscaux |
If you want to become a member, please contact