General Assembly of XBRL Belgium 2022
Brussels, March 15, 2022
This morning the statutory General Assembly took place in a virtual mode via Webex. Given the circumstances this is the only way such meetings can be organised.
The members of XBRL Belgium were welcomed by the President and the agenda was succesfully covered.
Presentations were given on evolutions around XBRL in Belgium:
- Presentation by Derek De Brandt, AGUILONIUS on the evolution of the XBRL standard (presentation)
- Presentation by Johan Lembreght, FSMA on the application of ESEF (presentation)
- Presentation by François Van Trimpont, NBB on the go-live of the new Central Balance Sheet Office application (presentation)
The President thanked all participants and contributions and concluded that next year the general assembly will probably be held face-to-face.